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PID Controllers

PID Controllers

4500 INR/Piece

Product Details:

  • Dimension (L*W*H) 96* 96* 100 Millimeter (mm)
  • Accuracy .1 %
  • Function Control
  • Size 48*48 Inch
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PID Controllers Price And Quantity

  • 4500 INR/Piece
  • 1 Piece

PID Controllers Product Specifications

  • .1 %
  • 48*48 Inch
  • 96* 96* 100 Millimeter (mm)
  • Control

PID Controllers Trade Information

  • Ahmedabad
  • Letter of Credit (L/C) Cash in Advance (CID) Cheque Cash Advance (CA) Cash Against Delivery (CAD)
  • 500 Piece Per Day
  • 1-2 Days
  • Yes
  • Sample costs shipping and taxes has to be paid by the buyer
  • Carton Box.
  • All India

Product Description

Since our inception in the year 1992, we have been known as a profound manufacturer and supplier of optimum quality Proportional Integral Derivative controllers. Manufactured with the aid of precision components, these controllers are known for their user friendly interface and accurate measurement. These controllers find their important usage in process control systems for detection and fixation of errors. Also, our clients can purchase these PID controllers at reasonable prices from us.

  • Efficient error measurement and control
  • Power efficient
  • Long service Life
  • Clear display


PID Controller



A proportional integral derivative controller is a control loop feedback controller, that is mainly applicable in industrial control systems. This controller is given this name from its operations. This instrument is used for calculating an error value as the difference between a measured process variable and a desired set-point. The correction is applied on the bases of P (Proportional), I (Integral) and D (Derivative). It can regulate speed, flow, pressure, temperature, and other process variables. It can be used with control regulation device or sensor and can be monitored with SCADA System.

Industrial controller development



The foremost automatic PID process controller was pneumatic device, which used compressed air to calculate the controller output and power the process modulating device. It was also used in harsh industrial environment. It was used till the advent of discrete electronic controller and distributed control system. Complex electronic systems used electronic analog PID control loops. The advent of digital controller replaced electronic controller. Currently, modern PID controllers are used in the industry and can be found in Distributed Control Systems (DCS) and PLCs. PID temperature controllers are used in plastic injection molding machine, hot stamping machine, industrial oven and even in packaging industry. This device is an indispensable part of multirotor drones, and act as a self-stabilizing flight controller.

Temperature Control using a Digital PID controller



The common use of proportional integral derivative temperature controller is to alter a process temperature by continuously varying a regulator. It can be used as a pulsed switching device for opening/closing gas valve or electrical heater. PID temperature controller-heat only, operates at a reverse output action, which means, it applies more power when the temperature is under the set-point and less power when higher the set-point. In injection and extrusion applications, PID controller employ additional cooling control outputs and multiple controllers.

This controller can be termed as three term controller based on its function. It reads the sensor signal from RTD or thermocouple, converts the measurement to engineering units like Degrees Celsius; and lastly subtracts the measurement from a desired set-point. to identify an error. The determined error is then acted upon by the three (P, I & D) terms simultaneously. It is also called PID Controller Theory:


  • Proportional (Gain): In case of reverse action, the error gets multiplied by a negative proportional constant P, and added to the current output.
  • Integral (Reset): The concluded average error is multiplied by a constant I, and added to the current control output.
  • Derivative (Rate): With respect to time, rate of change of the error is determined, multiplied by constant D, and added to the output. Through derivative term, response of controller to a change or disturbance of the process temperature is determined. The controller responds to changes in process value more rapidly, if the derivative term is larger.

Tuning of PID Controller Terms


Tuning of P, I and D terms is essential to match the dynamics of the process being controlled. Stability or instability, fast control or slow control; all depends of setting of any of these terms. Correct setting can lead to stable and fast control. The digital PID controllers have in-built, automatic auto-tune functions. During auto-tuning, PID controller controls the process power and determines the rate of change, overshoot and response time of the plant. The calculations of controller term values are often based on the Zeigler-Nichols calculation method. After the auto-tuning period, P, I & D values are stored and used by the PID controller.






  • Sizes ranging from 1/4, 1/8, 1/16
  • Theory: Temperature Controller
  • Isolation: 2300VDC

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  • 50
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